Secure delivery

DHL shipping

Our products are shipped by our logistics partner DHL.

Unless otherwise stated, the delivery time within Germany and Austria is 7-10 working days until your order is ready for dispatch.

shipping costs

Shipping of our products within Germany and Austria is free of charge for orders over €100.

country DHL transit time 1 shipping costs
Germany 1-3 working days 1 7.00 €
Austria 1-3 working days 1 7.00 €
Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg 3-5 working days 1 0.00 €²
Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Greece 5-10 working days 1 0.00 €²
Great Britain, Ireland 5-10 working days 1 0.00 €²
Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland 5-10 working days 1 0.00 €²
Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary 5-10 working days 1 0.00 €²
Switzerland³ 3-5 working days 1 25.90 €

1 unless otherwise stated

² Free shipping for orders over 500.00 euros.
Shipping costs amount to 15.90 euros.

³ Notes on shipping to Switzerland and non-EU member states:
Invoicing is done in euros and without the Austrian VAT of currently 20%. Customs processing fees and the VAT applicable in the destination country will be charged to the recipient by the respective customs authorities. Please note that all customs fees and VAT amounts incurred are to be borne by the recipient; this also applies to returns from non-EU member states.

delivery time
The delivery time for items is usually 7 to 10 working days from receipt of payment.

freight forwarding items
Some items are shipped as freight items due to their size or weight. The freight company will agree a delivery date with you.

delivery time information
The exact delivery time for your order will be displayed in the shopping cart when you order online, and will be communicated personally by our staff when you order by phone. If you have provided us with your email address when you placed your order, we will also send you an order confirmation in which you will receive confirmation of the delivery time again. We will also use your email address to provide you with other useful information related to your order, such as delivery and return confirmations or free payment reminders.

If some items are not available at short notice or the promised delivery time is delayed, we will inform you by email.

shipment division
If the waiting time is too long, we will automatically split the shipment, which means that you will receive the items that are available for delivery and the delayed items will follow in a separate package. If we have your email address, we will send you a delivery confirmation informing you that your order has been sent in several packages.

logistics partner
We will pack the ordered items as quickly as possible and hand them over to our logistics partner DHL ready for dispatch. Please note that we have no influence on delays caused by our logistics partner.

shipment tracking
Using your parcel identification number/shipment number, you can find out the current shipment status of your parcel at any time if the shipping method does not provide parcel tracking. You will receive further information on shipment tracking in your delivery confirmation by email or from our customer service over the phone.